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Bush Medicine – Bush Balm Staging

Bush Medicine

Bush Medicine

Indigenous Australians have used native plants to treat illness for thousands of years. Their traditional knowledge inspires these Bush Balm products, which are made from wild harvested medicinal plants expertly collected on Aboriginal Lands in Central Australia. Irmangka Irmangka, Arrethe and Native Lemongrass have been used for generations to treat aches, muscle pain, joint inflammation, skin conditions and ease cold and flu symptoms.





Grows around hilly and rocky areas of Central Australia – lots around Alice Springs

Used by Aboriginal people of Central Australia to relieve eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis & itchy dry irritated skin.

Arrethe, also known as rock fuchsia bush or limestone fuchsia (Eremophila freelingii), is a native Australian shrub thriving in arid and semi-arid regions, particularly in areas with limestone soils. Growing up to 2 meters in height, it features lance-shaped leaves and distinctive tubular flowers ranging from pink to purple. Adapting to harsh conditions, Arrethe plays a crucial ecological role by providing habitat and food for native wildlife. It possesses adaptations such as deep root systems to cope with limited water resources. The plant holds cultural significance in some indigenous Australian communities, potentially used for medicinal purposes or in cultural practices. The conservation status varies based on location, with threats including habitat degradation and altered fire regimes impacting arid region flora.

Irmangka Irmangka

Irmangka Irmangka is used for relief of arthritis, muscle & joint inflammation, cramps & bruises – also used to sooth headaches and eases cold & flu symptoms.

It grows around hilly and rocky areas of Central Australia – Western Desert – most of ours sourced from Areyonga/Utju.

Irmangka-Irmangka, scientifically known as Eremophila alternifolia or Scented Emu Bush, is a distinctive plant primarily found in regions with gravelly limestone soils. This uncommon species is characterized by its pink or mauve tubular flowers adorned with dark red spots. The leaves emit a strong fragrance, the branches exhibit knobbly features, and the young growth is notably sticky. Typically reaching heights of one to two meters, Irmangka-Irmangka holds cultural significance among the Antakarinja people, who prize it for its medicinal properties. The leaves are utilized in traditional remedies by boiling them with kangaroo fat and water to create a potent, aromatic gel. This sticky substance is ingested in tea or applied to the chest to alleviate symptoms associated with colds, headaches, chest infections, and various minor ailments. Additionally, it serves as a remedy for soothing painful bites and stings. Renowned for its longevity, this medicinal preparation is believed to promote deep and restful sleep.


Native Lemongrass

The wild harvested Central Australia Native Lemongrass (Cymbopogan Ambiguus) draws an aroma of citrus spirit from the arid lands while possessing gentle anti-inflammatory properties.

Australian native lemongrass, scientifically known as Cymbopogon ambiguus, is a perennial grass indigenous to various regions of Australia, particularly in arid and semi-arid areas. Adapted to the challenging Australian climate, this variety features long, slender green stems and emits a robust lemon fragrance akin to other lemongrass types. With culinary applications, Australian native lemongrass is employed to infuse dishes with its citrusy essence, commonly found in marinades, sauces, soups, and teas. Beyond its culinary uses, lemongrass, in general, is recognized for potential health benefits, including anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Indigenous Australian communities have historically incorporated native plants, such as lemongrass, for medicinal and culinary purposes, possibly bearing cultural significance in Aboriginal traditions. Thriving in well-drained soils and sunny conditions, Australian native lemongrass is a hardy plant that can endure drought periods. While not specifically endangered, conservation efforts may exist to protect native plant species, underscoring the importance of responsible use and cultivation.

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